Expedition Date: August 4, 2015

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Today we went to a mall where we bought a durian. It raised eyebrows, and one shopper stopped to ask us if we liked durian with surprise in his voice.   Once back to our lodgings, Chick opened it, and I enjoyed it for the first time. Not as good as peaches, but it didn’t remind me of puke. Maybe it is better because we are where it grows.

We also wanted a throw-away cell phone and had an adventure trying to find someone to sell it to us. Most of the salespeople in the mall, where there were about ten phone stores, were too shy to talk to us in English. We finally found a trio of youngsters who were brave enough to give it a try. They found a phone and a sim card, turned it on, and helped us set it up. The phone and sim card was from other shops, so I don’t know if they got anything for their efforts. It costs about $27.00 for about 60 minutes, plus the phone and charger. We will give Touque, Allan’s helper, the phone when we get home.

After shopping, we tried to walk home. However, it was too hot and muggy, and we got a taxi. The lady who cooked our breakfast took us to the mall. Below are photos of breakfast. It includes homemade tempeh, which is very savory and delicious. It could be habit-forming. I wonder if Touque knows how to make it and if she will teach me.   Allan, it would be best if you asked her for me.

I made lunch in the big frying pan, which is our only way to cook other than the rice maker, and we found some light soy sauce in the mall, so we are better prepared to season our veggies. Today I dug out the powdered seasoning that Carol gave us. It made lunch better than dinner last night, with only sweet soy sauce to add flavor. Next, I tried a yellow meat melon, which tasted like Red Mellon. Chick says it tastes better.

We are about to join the Archeological tour company tomorrow and will be in a group for the next three weeks, so no more cooking until then. We think we are nearly over our jet lag and expect to be ahead in that department from the others joining us. The group size will be 23.

This city is very dusty, and there is much litter in some areas though you can see that some people are careful to clean up their little pieces of the neighborhood. There are more motorcycles than cars, and almost no one is walking. Fashion varies from long dark skirts to capris; some women wear leggings. Many are wearing scarves over their heads. Most people are amiable. Today I was stopped and asked to have my photo taken with a little girl about five years old. Her mother said I could be her auntie. This was in a supermarket. She took several pictures. I wonder what happens with these photos.    I was happy to be wearing a flower behind one ear. It was in the grass outside my lodging and perfectly matched my top.

I hope you are all well and are enjoying your summer. Please write to me if you have time.